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Um síðustu mánaðamót skrifaði ég opið bréf til aðalritara Evrópuráðsins þar sem ég vakti athygli á þögn heimsbyggðarinnar gagnvart brotum á mannréttindum Kúrda í Tyrklandi. Þessi þögn væri þrúgandi og yrði að rjúfa hana. Því miður tæki þögnin einnig til stofnana Evrópuráðsins sem lítið hefðu beitt sér og því litla sem gert hefði verið væri ekki fylgt eftir.

Þetta rakti ég í bréfi mínu sem fylgir hér með á ensku ásamt skýrslum sem vísað er til í bréfinu.

 Microsoft Word - Letter to General Secretary of CoE.docx (freeocalan.org)

statement Imrali+contacts.pdf

Report of 2021 Imrali Peace Delegation.pdf 


Fréttatilkynnig sem samtök Kúrda í Evrópu sendu frá sér: 

Press release

Open letter to the General Secretary of the Council of Europe: CoE must shoulder its responsibilities towards Öcalan and the Kurds.

In a letter to the General Secretary of the Council of Europe, Mr. Ögmundur Jónasson, who is Honorary Associate of the Parliamentary Assembly of CoE, raises grave concern over Turkey not heeding demands by the Council of Europe to end without delay solitary confinement of Abdullah Öcalan on Imrali Island.

In his letter Mr. Jónasson states:
As the Secretary General is aware, the CPT report and recommendations of the Monitoring Committee to lift the isolation in İmralı and the resolutions of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on the same matter were completely ignored. In fact, the Turkish government responded with bans on further visits, whether with family or lawyers, and the prohibition of telephone contact, thus further aggravating the isolation conditions. There were expectations that the CPT would make a point of making a strong protest when visiting Turkey at the beginning of the year. That, however, did not happen to the best of my knowledge.”

Mr. Jónasson, who has been on several Imrali Peace delegations to Turkey and is signatory to the International Initiative Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, Peace in Kurdistan, also strongly criticises the recent visit to Turkey of the President of the Court of Human Rights, reminding he Council of Europe of its duties and responsibilities and says it can play an important part in establishing peace and respect for human rights in Turkey:

“ The President of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg visited Turkey last year at the invitation of Turkish authorities to be awarded an honorary medal. Am I allowed to ask the Secretary General of the Council of Europe how the bastion of human rights in Strasbourg is to honour the victims of those same authorities?
I strongly believe that a positive change in the situation of Abdullah Öcalan will contribute to stability, peace, the rule of law and democratization in Turkey, which is good for us all. The Council of Europe can play an important role in this regard.”