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Ankara - okt 15
Ankara - okt 15

Fróðlegt hefur verið að fylgjast með fréttum af fjöldamorðunum í Ankara í gær þegar að minnsta kosti 95 létu lífið og mörg hundruð særðust í sprengjuárásum.

Þannig sagði frétt á Vísi: "Ekki er vitað hverjir bera ábyrgð á árásinni, en bæði Kúrdar og hryðjuverkasamtökin Íslamskt ríki liggja undir grun." (http://www.visir.is/tyrkir-lysa-yfir-thjodarsorg/article/2015151019906 ). Þetta endurtók síðan fréttastofa Ríkisútvarpsins í hádeginu í dag, sunnudag, í inngangi að frétt um málið þótt í sjálfri fréttinni kæmi jafnframt fram að flokkur hliðhollur málstað Kúrda, HDP, Lýðræðisfylkingin, héldi öðru fram. Vísað var til líkinda með mannskæðri hryðjuverkaárás í landamærabænum Suruc fyrr í haust, en hún beindist gegn róttækum Kúrdum sem höfðu flykkst til bæjarins til að taka þátt í starfi til stuðnings uppbyggingu í Kobeni á yfirráðasvæði Kúrda skammt sunnan landamæra Tyrklands.

Fundurinn í Ankara sem tilræðið beindist gegn, var einnig stuðningsfundur Lýðræðisfylkingar Kúrda og frjálsra verkalýðssamtaka í aðdraganda kosninganna í Tyrklandi. Þarna var fólkið sem var drepið! Engu að síður er sagt að samtök Kúrda kunni að hafa staðið að tilræðunum þótt þau hafi vísað öllu slíku frá enda beindist ofbeldið gegn þeim og kemur í kjölfar árása tyrkneska hersins á stöðvar Kúrda og yfirlýstrar stefnu Erdogans forseta að hætta öllu friðarferli og ganga milli bols og höfuðs á Kúrdum.

Innanríkisráðherra Tyrklands, Selami Altinok, sagði fyrir fáeinum dögum að "höfuð þeirra sem beittu sér gegn ríkinu yrðu mulin mélinu smærra" (" those that resist against the state will have their heads quashed").   

Ekki veit ég hversu sanngjarnt það er að áfellast íslenska fjölmiðla sem byggja fréttir sínar á fréttaskeytum stóru alþjóðlegu fréttastofanna sem hafa sitt fólk á vettvangi.

En einhvers staðar kemur ótrúleg hlutdrægni inn í flestar frásagnir frá Tyrklandi þessa dagana.

Það sem vitum er þetta: Tyrknesk yfirvöld og Kúrdar, sem byggja einkum austurhluta Tyrklands og hafa viljað sjálfstæði eða aukna sjálfstjórn, hafa síðan 2013 unnið að friðsamlegri lausn. Sjálfur hef ég heimsótt þessi svæði og fylgst náið með framvindunni og þar með kynnst frá fyrstu hendi vilja Kúrda til samkomulags. Eflaust eru til þeir Kúrdar, einsog í öllum samfélögum sem engar friðsamlegar lausnir vilja sjá. Og það eru þessi öfl sem talið er að Erdogan, Tyrklandsforseti, sé að reyna að ögra með harðlínustefnu sinni.

Eftir þingkosningar í Tyrklandi þar sem Kúrdar unnu góðan sigur með rúmlega 13% atkvæða og þar sem stjórnarflokkur Erdogans missti hreinan meirihlutra sinn, var almennt talið að hann myndi freista þess að ganga til kosninga að nýju þar sem höfðað yrði til þjóðernissinnaðra Tyrkja: Í lævi blöndnu lofti yrðu menn að sameinast að baki forseta sínum! En þá varð líka að búa til þetta andrúmsloft. Hluti af þessari áróðurslínu var að sýna Kúrdum hörku, hætta friðarviðræðum og hefja á þá árásir.

Samfara þessu mætti tyrkneska stjórnin vaxandi þrýstingi frá Bandaríkjamönnum um að heimila þeim að nýta aðstöðu á tyrkneskum flutvöllum fyrir loftárásir á Islamska ríkið, ISIS í Sýrlandi. Erdogan var einnig beittur þrýstingi að hætta stuðningi við ISIS, sem stjórn hans hefur veitt stuðning, beint og óbeint. Öllu þessu reyndist Erdogan erfitt að kyngja en í sárabætur fékk hann blessun NATÓ á fundi bandalagsins í Brussel í lok júlí. Þar fékk hann grænt ljós á að óátalið yrði látið að hann legði til atlögu gegn Kúrdum. Þannig að NATÓ er ekki saklaust af þessum hryllingi.


Í ljósi vinfengis Tyrklandsstjórnar og ISIS, ber að taka alvarlega vangaveltur á meðal Kúrda að ISIS-liðar hafi staðið að sprengjutilræðunum í Suruc og nú í Ankara að undirlagi tyrknesku leyniþjónustunnar. Þetta eru vangaveltur sem eiga ekki síður rétt á sér en það sem heimsfjölmiðlarnir bera á borð fyrir okkur.

Auðvitað verður ekkert fullyrt nema sannanir komi fram. En líkindareikningur og eitthvað sem ég ætla að voga mér að kalla heilbrigða skynsemi, segir mér að gjalda varhug við fullyrðingum um að það hafi verið róttækir Kúrdar sem drápu róttæka Kúrda í Ankara í gær - öllu nær sé að ætla að sökin liggi hjá andstæðingum þeirra, jafnvel hjá tyrkneskum öflum, nákomnum stjórnvöldum.   

Hér að neðan eru upplýsingar sem mér bárust í morgun frá ýmsum talsmönnum Kúrda, því miður aðeins á ensku.
En þarna kemur fram sá ásetningur þeirra sem eru í forsvari fyrir Kúrda að beina því til síns fólks að láta hefnigirni ekki ná tökum á sér heldur fara sínu fram á friðsamlegan hátt. Kosningarnar í Tyrklandi eru 1. nóvember. (Fréttirnar eru skrifaðar fljótlega eftir tilræðið og eru tölur um fallna því lægri en síðar kom í ljós.)

To the International Community:
Today, on October 10, a bomb attacked took place at the rally in Ankara which was organized by democratic NGOs including KESK, DISK, TMMOB and TTB and which HDP had strongly supported. The rally was organized against war and AKP's hostile and violent policies; thus hundreds of people around Turkey gathered to claim peace and put pressure on the government to end the war which has been conducted for over two months.

The demonstrators coming from outside of Ankara started to gather at about 9 am at the station of Ankara and they were planned to march from railway station to the Sıhhiye square where the rally would take place. Just after the beginning of the march, at about 10:04 am, two bomb attacks occurred among HDP cortege. For this reason, it is understood that the main target of the attacks was HDP. 

According to the eyewitnesses, the explosions were carried out by suicide bomb attackers. 

According to the latest information we had, there are at least 47 (the number is unfortunately increasing) death and 400 injured people.  Many of the injured people are heavily injured, so there is a fear that the number of death people may increase. 
It should be indicated that there were no police around the crime scene when the explosion occurred. The riot arrived to the place after 15 minutes. But when they arrived, they attacked by tear gas bombs against the people who intended to help injured people. 

We also want to express that this morning at about 6 am, one person attacked to our Headquarter in Ankara and he wanted to damage our building. Everyone can imagine that these events are not independent from each other. 

This information is the latest one which we received and we will give more detailed information whenever we received more comprehensive one.

HDP Foreign Affairs Commission

Subject: KNK Press Release : Massacre in Ankara

Press Release

Massacre in Ankara

It has been reported that at least 35 people have lost their lives and many more have been injured in the attack.

Paramilitary forces have attacked a demonstration organised by non-governmental organisation and trade unions such as KESK, DISK, TMMOB and TTB in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey. It has been reported that the assailant(s) entered and detonated the explosives near the main train station. Eye witnesses have said that there were 2 or 3 separate explosions. The explosions were detonated in amongst mostly HDP sympathisers.

While ambulances were late onto the scene, the Turkish police attacked the people, who were trying to help the injured, with gas canisters. This led many injured people to bleed out.

Fuat Uygur, ETHA correspondent who was at the event, said, "The explosion happened near the junction in front of the station. It is said to be a suicide bomber. There are many casualties. Still the ambulances are not here. SES members who are here for the demonstration are attending to those that are injured. We have just heard gunfire from around the Hipodron, but we don't know what that is about".

Trade unions and NGOs had made calls to the public to attend the "Peace Meeting" days in advance. Fascists that are unable to internalise peace and democracy are attacking those that want peace, and are being supported by the government. Only a few days ago, Interior Minister Selami Altinok had said "those that resist against the state will have their heads quashed". The rhetoric of this minister and the government in general shows that this incident was pre-organised.

It can no longer be denied that the AKP government is supporting these attacks against the desire for democracy and peace of the Kurdish people. Now, peace-supporters are being attacked in the capital city of Turkey. A similar attack had occurred on 5 June in a HDP meeting in Diyarbakir. This latest attack in Ankara is the product of the same mentality.

Kurdistan National Congress- KNK


KCK declares inaction on condition of not being attacked

KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) Executive Council Co-Presidency has
released a statement declaring inaction on condition that no attacks
are carried out against the Kurdish movement, people and guerrilla

Source: Ajansa Nuçeyan a Firat  ANF
Saturday, October 10, 2015 1:45 PM

KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) Executive Council Co-Presidency has
released a statement declaring inaction on condition that no attacks
are carried out against the Kurdish movement, people and guerrilla
The statement said this decision was made in consideration of the
calls made for a truce from both inside and outside Turkey as the
conflict gets heavier and the AKP resorts to a lie that the Kurdish
movement threatens the security of elections, also trying to cover the
causes of the war it has started.
The statement by KCK said that; "During this process, our guerrilla
forces will avoid conducting planned actions, will be engaged in no
activities apart from maintaining its current position, and make no
attempts to hinder or harm the exercise of a fair and equal election."
KCK underlined that all the international forces, states and circles
in Turkey that have called for a ceasefire in order for the
realization of elections in a healthy environment, must follow this
process closely and play their roles, manifest the necessary
sensibility and make an intervention when necessary.
"Beyond any doubt, democracy forces must manifest a democratic
attitude in the face of probable attacks that would target our
people's will for self-rule in this process. Democracy forces and our
people must not allow the loosening of the process and the spirit of
resistance in the event of an attack against the Kurdish people."
KCK said; "The revolutionist and democratic forces of Turkey, and all
those bearing responsibility towards the peoples of Turkey must see
that our attitude entirely serves Turkey's democratization, peace and
stability. It will not be possible to achieve a lasting peace and
stability in Turkey unless all the major problems in the country, the
Kurdish question in the first place, are resolved. From this point of
view, all the revolutionist and democratic forces and all those
bearing responsibility towards the peoples of Turkey must make big
efforts and struggle in order to lead Turkey to the path of
democratization through an elimination of the authoritarian, hegemonic
and repressive policies. It wouldn't put forward a lasting solution to
the problems by only expecting self-sacrifice from our side in an
atmosphere where the existence of our people is not recognized and
their freedom is not ensured."
KCK said the Kurdish movement believed that an embracement of the June
7 election's results, and progression of these gains will create
significant developments with regards to Turkey's democratization and
resolution of all the problems.
"In this regard, we call upon all democracy forces to manifest their
attitude clearly in order for the achievement of democratization and a
permanent resolution to the problems", KCK said.