Ljóst er að við brottför Bandaríkjahers frá Sýrlandi, sem Trump hefur nú boðað, kann að þrengjast að Kúrdum í hérðuðunum suður af Tyrklandi, það er að segja í norðanverðu Sýrlandi. Tyrkir réðust þar inn fyrr á árinu, hertóku Afrinbyggðirnar, ráku Kúrda sem þar bjuggu úr húsum sínum, kristna menn og gyðinga að sama skapi en fluttu inn liðsmenn ISIS, íslömsku ofbeldissveitanna.
Trump og Erdogan mótvægi hvor við annan
Það hlálega er að Bandaríkjamenn studdu einnig ISIS um tíma eða þar til samtökin tóku að ná undir sig olíuauðlindum í Norður-Sýrlandi og Norður-Írak.
Á síðustu misserum hafa þeir félagar í NATO, Erdogan Tyrklandsforseti og Trump Bandaríkjaforseti, haldið aftur hvor af öðrum. Trump segir ástæðuna fyrir brottför bandaríska herliðsins vera þá að ISIS samtökin hafi verið brotin á bak aftur. þess vegna geti Bandaríkjaher haldið á brott. Nokkuð er til í því en þar hafa Kúrdarnir gegnt lykilhlutverki. Ef Tyrkir reyna nú að vængstýfa Kúrda með nýrri innrás í norðurehéruð Sýrlands getur hins vegar allt gerst.
Skefjalaust ofbeldi gegn Kúrdum
Tyrkir hafa sýnt af sér svo ótrúlega grimmd í byggðum Kúrda sem þeir hafa náð undir sig hvort sem er innan Tyrklands sjálfs eða í Sýrlandi að ástæða er að fylgjast gaumgæfielga með framvindunni og hvetja íslensk stjórnvöld að láta frá sér heyra.
Kúrdarnir koma
Í byrjun janúar verður efnt til fundar með Kúrdum sem þekkja ofbeldið af eigin raun og er ástæða til að hvetja fólk til að mæta. Fundurinn verður í Safnahúsinu við Hverfisgötu laugardaginn 5. janúar klukkan 12.
Auglýsing hér á síðunni svo og á feisbók mun birtast í byrjun fyrstu viku janúar.
Hér að neðan er fréttabréf ættað frá Kúrdum í Norður-Sýrlandi á ensku. Hvet ég áhugasama að kynna sér efni þess.
North-East Syria Weekly News Bulletin 15 - 21 December PYD Foreign Relations
1- Turkey threatens to occupy northern Syria, SDF are about to liberate Hajin from IS.
As the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) advance in Hajin town at IS' expense, Turkey has renewed its threats to occupy northeastern Syria, while analysts have warned about a possible confrontation between the United States and Turkey if the latter would launch an attack.
2- SDF fighters seize ISIS ammunition in Hajin.
SDF fighters advancing in Hajin town have seized a large quantity of ISIS ammunition.
3- Violent explosion in central Afrin.
A car bomb was detonated in central Afrin.Explosive laden inside a car was detonated in the People’s Market near Kawa Square in Afrin city center Sunday noon.
4- Civil Council of Manbij calls for self-defense.
The Manbij Civil Council condemned the Turkish threats of a military offensive in northern Syria and called on the people to defend themselves.
At a press conference, the civilian council of the northern Syrian city of Manbij condemned the Turkish occupation threats. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced a military invasion of northern Syria earlier this week.
5- Wrath of the Olive: 25 mercenaries killed in Afrin.
The Wrath of the Olive Operation Room vowed that their actions against the occupation forces in Afrin would continue increasingly.
he Wrath of the Olive Operation Room issued a statement to detail the operation it carried out against the Jabhat Al-Shamiya mercenary group in the center of Afrin.
6- SDF: 71 ISIS terrorists killed in Hajin.
The SDF offensive on Hajin, the last ISIS stronghold in Syria, continues with heavy fighting. According to SDF data, 71 jihadists have been killed in the last 24 hours.
The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Press Office announced that the final phase of the "Cizirê Storm" offensive in the northeastern Syrian region of Deir ez-Zor on the border with Iraq, which started on September 10, is continuing with the goal of the liberation of Hajin, the last ISIS stronghold in the region.
7- Fierce clashes between SDF and ISIS in al-Shafaa town.
ISIS mercenaries are suffering further blows in the ongoing battle in Deir ez-Zor territory.
ISIS terrorist organization attacked the positions of Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to the North of al-Shafaa town in Hajin region on Tuesday.
8- Violent explosion in Shera district of Afrin.
Turkish occupied Shera district of Afrin was shaken by a violent explosion Tuesday night.
Local sources report that an explosion occurred near a headquarters of the occupant Turkish army in Shera district of Afrin at around 19:20 local time.
Further details about the incident were not immediately available.
9- Syria's Kurds say Trump US troop pullout harms anti-IS fight.
A Kurdish-led alliance in Syria says President Donald Trump's surprise decision to withdraw US troops will allow the Islamic State (IS) group to recover.
A statement from the Syria Democratic Forces (SDF) warned of a military vacuum that would leave the alliance trapped between "hostile parties".
10- Kurdish political parties in Northern Syria call for unity.
Kurdish political parties in Northern Syria issued a statement about the Turkish threats to occupy their territory and called for people to be united.
Responding to an invitation by Partiya Pêşverû ya Demokratîk a Kurd li Sûriyê (Kurdish Progressive and Democratic Party of Syria), nine Kurdish political parties gathered at the party’s building in Qamishlo, to discuss the threats issued by Turkey to occupy the Northern Syria territory and how to responds to such threats.
11- Syrian Democratic Council calls for a no-fly zone.
MSD co-chairs are in France for meetings after the US decision to pull out from Syria.
Iham Ehmed and Riyadh Derar from the Syrian Democratic Council (MSD) held a press conference after their meeting in France to conduct joint work for the security of the region against the threats of the occupying Turkish state to Northern and Eastern Syria.
MSD co-chair Riyad Derar told at the press conference that the aim of the occupying Turkish state attacks on the zone is that to revive allow relocation of the mercenaries it backs.
1- Thomas Garrett Jr. Floor Speech.
Floor Speech on Trip to Northern Iraq and Syria.
1- David Phillips: Washington must defend its partners instead of trying to appease its opponents
David Phillips explained that northern and eastern Syria enjoy an Autonomous Administration, and could be as a model of governance in the future Syria. The United States needs to adopt a principled and practical approach and defend its partners rather than trying to appease its opponents.
2- Trump is pulling out of the wrong war at the wrong time.
President Donald Trump is pulling out of the wrong war at the wrong time. (The right war to bring to an end, as he's toyed with in the past, is Afghanistan, which after 17 years is probably unwinnable.)
3- Trump is leaving the fight against ISIS (and influence in the Middle East) to Russia and Iran.
It was set to be the most discreet yet potent measure of US influence in the Middle East.
Over 2,000 American special forces in the north of Syria, fighting the fight against ISIS, but also providing a significant bang for their buck.
But to widespread surprise, US President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday that the US intends to rapidly withdraw from Syria.
4- The jihadists no one wants.
Hundreds of foreign ISIS fighters are in Kurdish prisons in Syria. What happens when the U.S. military withdraws?
5- With One Tweet, Trump May Have Given Assad a Path to Victory in Syria.
As residents of Syria braced themselves for the first U.S. troops to withdraw from Syria, thousands of Kurds gathered near the headquarters of the U.S.-led coalition in the north of the country. They held photos of Kurdish fighters who died in battles with ISIS, as they marched toward the base in Jalabiya, near Kobane on Thursday.
6- Trump move to pull U.S. troops from Syria opens way to turmoil.
The announcement of a pullout is widely seen as an abandonment of the Kurds, a loyal ally and partner in the war against ISIS.
1- SDF Public Statement.
At a time, while we are having fierce battles against the terrorism in the last strongholds of ISIS and fighting it’s sleeper cells that are trying to organize its ranks in the region, the White House’s decision to withdraw from northern and eastern Syria will negatively affect the campaign against the terrorism, and it will provide a chance for terrorism and its supporters in the political and military fields to recover again and launch counter-terrorist campaign in the region.
2- TEV-DEM: Peoples will resist against occupation threats.
TEV-DEM reaffirmed that the peoples of Northern Syria will display resistance against the occupation threats.
Movement for a Democratic Society (TEV-DEM) Co-Presidency issued a written statement on the Turkish state's threat to occupy Northern Syria and the US decision to withdraw from the region.
1- British MEP Julie Ward tabled questions on Rojava.
MEP Julie Ward wrote: “President Trump’s plan to withdraw US troops from northern Syria raises fears that this gives a green light for the Turkish Government to invade the region known as Rojava."
2- Muslim: We didn’t call them, we’re not sending them away.
Salih Muslim stated that the US decision to withdraw from Syria is sudden in regards to the conditions they announced earlier and added: “We didn’t call them, and we’re not sending them away. They weren’t here to protect us in any case.”
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