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Gloria Steinem
Gloria Steinem

Í gær barst mér í Innanríkisráðuneytið bréf frá 110 einstaklingum og samtökum víðsvegar um heiminn þar sem lýst er yfir stuðningi við mögulegar aðgerðir til að sporna gegn ofbeldisfullu klámi. Í bréfinu er hérlendri umræðu fagnað mjög og lögð áhersla á mikilvægi þess að vernda börn fyrir skaðlegum áhrifum kláms. Áður hefur mér einnig borist bréf þar sem varað er við „ritskoðun" á internetinu og hef ég nú birt svar við því þar sem ég hafna því að það að samþykkja ekki óheft aðgengi klámiðnaðarins að börnum og ungmennum til að móta og stýra hugmyndum þeirra um kynlíf, kynhneigð og samskipti jafngildi því að vilja ritskoða internetið. Þessa umræðu tel ég að við verðum að taka alvarlega og ég hvet til þess að við látum ógert að falla í stafi frammi fyrir tækninni, þannig að tæknin ráði för en ekki samfélag fólks.
Hér á eftir fer bréfið sem mér barst í gær og á vefsíðu Innanríkisráðuneytisins http://www.innanrikisraduneyti.is/frettir/nr/28478 er einnig að finna hitt bréfið ásamt svari mínu.Sjá einnig:http://knuz.is/2013/03/20/vid-stondum-med-ykkur/


March 18, 2013

Ögmundur Jónasson

Dear Mr. Jónasson,

We are writing to express our support for current efforts in Iceland to develop and implement legal limits on violent Internet pornography. As scholars, medical and public health professionals, social service providers, and community activists, we commend your government's determination to confront the harms of pornography. As part of a comprehensive approach to violence prevention, sex education, and public health, legally limiting Internet pornography will reduce the power of this multi-billion dollar global industry to distort and diminish the lives, opportunities, and relationships of Icelandic citizens.

Especially commendable is your government's commitment to protect children from the harms of pornography. We recognize in other contexts (e.g., advertising) that children's unique developmental needs mandate protecting them from predatory corporate interests. As pornography invades children's lives and psyches at ever earlier ages and with ever more distressing effects, this recognition must be applied to pornography. It is naïve and unrealistic to expect parents and schools to counter effectively the influence of this powerful and pervasive industry. Rather, society must act on its compelling interest in providing a safe and nourishing environment for children. We applaud your government's effort to exercise collective responsibility for children's well-being by placing limits on a toxic media environment from which they cannot otherwise be sufficiently shielded.

We understand that your deliberations remain at an early stage and that many important aspects of the proposed legislation remain to be worked out. That said, we commend your government's stated intention to define pornography narrowly (as sexual material involving violence and degradation), thus ensuring Icelandic citizens' access to the fullest possible range of online information consistent with the protection of children and of women's civil right to equality. As your efforts continue to develop, we would urge you not to be dissuaded by dark invocations of totalitarianism or of an unregulated black market in pornography. The pornography industry could hardly be any less regulated than it is currently, nor could the motivations and methods of the Icelandic initiative differ more starkly from those of authoritarian governments.

From adopting the so-called "Nordic" approach to prostitution in 2009 to banning strip clubs in 2010, and having stood virtually alone among nations in holding banks to account in the wake of the global financial crisis, Iceland is a global leader both in gender equality and in confronting corporate power. We are inspired by your boldness and innovation in protecting children, honoring women's rights to safety and equality, and maintaining the integrity of Icelandic culture against the onslaught of an unrestrained industry of sexual exploitation. As a group of similarly committed scholars, activists, and professionals across the globe, we stand with you and look forward to seeing the final result of your efforts.


  1. Dr. Esohe Aghatise, Executive Director, Associazione Iroko Onlus, Turin, Italy
  2. Ruthanna Barnett, Human Rights Lawyer, Santa Cruz, California, USA/Oxford, England
  3. Roseanne Barr, Actress, Producer ("Roseanne"), USA
  4. Dr. Kathleen Barry, Author, "Female Sexual Slavery" and "Prostitution of Sexuality," Professor Emerita, Penn State University, USA
  5. Angela Beausang, Chair, Roks (The National Organization for Women´s Shelters and Young Women's Shelters), Sweden
  6. Julie Bindel, Journalist and Feminist Activist, London, England
  7. Edda Björgvinsdóttir, Actress, Iceland
  8. Dr. Ana Bridges, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Arkansas, USA
  9. Anne Burns, 
Health Improvement Lead, Child & Maternal Health, 
Health Improvement Team
 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Scotland, Scotland
  10. Tanith Carey, Author, "Where Has My Little Girl Gone?" London, England
  11. Vivien Caldwell, Solicitor, The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscals Service, Glasgow, Scotland, former Local Councillor, Renfrewshire, Scotland
  12. Elaine Carr, Clinical Psychologist, Coathill Hospital, Coatbridge, Scotland
  13. Vednita Carter, Founder and Executive Director, Breaking Free (Anti-Trafficking Organization), St. Paul, Minn., USA
  14. Alexandra Charles, President, Ordförande, 1.6miljonerklubben, Stockholm, Sweden
  15. Chris Cherry, Director of Communications, South Carolina Democratic Women's Council, USA

16. Collective Shout, Leading Anti-Pornography Organization, Australia

  1. Dr. Deirdre Condit, Associate Professor of Political Science, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, USA
  2. Angie Conroy, Activist, Strategic Advisor, Strey Khmer, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  3. Dr. Gail Dines, author of "Pornland," Professor of Sociology and Chair of American Studies, Wheelock College Boston, Mass., USA
  4. Anni Donaldson, Violence Against Women Team Lead, West Dunbartonshire Violence Against Women Partnership, Glasgow, Scotland
  5. Kezia Dugdale, Member, Scottish Parliament, Shadow Minister for Youth Employment, Lothian Region (Labour & Co-op) Scotland
  6. Sharon Dunn, Scottish Coalition Against Sexual Exploitation
  7. Matthew B. Ezzell, Ph, Assistant Professor of Sociology, James Madison University
  8. Harrisonburg, Va., USA
  9. Dr. Melissa Farley, Executive Director, Prostitution Research & Education, USA
  10. The Feminist Party of Germany
  11. Camilla Silva Floistrup, Project Manager, Danish Institute for Human Rights, Copenhagen, Denmark
  12. Robert L. Franklin, MS, Sexual Violence Prevention Professional, Virginia, USA
  13. Fredrika-Bremer Association (Oldest Women's Movement Organisation in Sweden)
  14. Dawn Fyffe, Say Women, Glasgow, Scotland
  15. Marlyn Glen, Former Member, Scottish Parliament
  16. Ruchira Gupta, President, Apne Aap Women Worldwide (sex trafficking), India
  17. Sophie Gwyther, Team Leader, Children and Young People's Service, Fife Women's Aid, Scotland
  18. Professor Simon Hackett and Dr. Nicole Westmarland, Durham University Centre for Research into Violence and Abuse (CRiVA), UK
  19. Kolbrún Halldórsdóttir, President, Federation of Icelandic Artists
  20. Elizabeth Handsley (Northwestern) Professor of Law, Flinders University; President, Australian Council on Children and the Media (ACCM)
  21. Birgitta Hansson, Union President, Sweden Union, Soroptimistklubbar
  22. Maree Hawken, coordinator, Queensland Women's Health Network, Australia
  23. Dr. Susan Hawthorne, Publisher, Spinifex Press, Adjunct Professor, James Cook University
  24. Ann Hayne, Gender-Based Violence Manager, Coathill Hospital, Coatbridge, Scotland
  25. Marta Torres Herrero, Violence Program Coordinator, Pozuelo de Alarcon, Spain
  26. Wiveca Holst, Swedish Expert, The Observatory European, Women's Lobby
  27. Derrick Jensen, Author, "Endgame," Crescent City, California, USA
  28. Cherie Jimenez, Director, Kim's Project (Anti-trafficking), Boston, Mass., USA
  29. Dr. Jennifer A. Johnson, Associate Professor and Chair of Sociology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, USA
  30. Hetty Johnston, Founder and Executive Director, Bravehearts (child abuse prevention), Australia
  31. Dr. Sue Jones, Centre for Gender and Violence Research, School for Policy Studies, Bristol University, UK
  32. Guðrún Jónsdóttir, Spokesperson for Stigamot, Reykjavík, Iceland
  33. Jackson Katz, Ph.D., Director, MVP Strategies, Long Beach, Calif., USA
  34. Dr. Liz Kelly, Child and Woman Abuse Studies Unit, London Metropolitan University London, England
  35. Jenny Kemp, Coordinator, Zero Tolerance Campaign, Scotland
  36. Connie J. Kirkland, National Certified Counselor, Certified Trauma Specialist, Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists, Northern Virginia Community College, USA
  37. Dr. Renate Klein, Associate Professor (retired), Women's Studies, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia; Publisher, Spinifex Press
  38. Elizabeth Koepping, Associate Director, CSWC, School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
  39. Iluta Lace, Manager, Association Resource Centre for Women, MARTA, 
Riga, Latvia
  40. Dr. David Levy, Professor and Chair, Business School, University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA

57. Dr. Julia Long, Author, Activist, VAWG Services Manager, UK

  1. Linda MacDonald, MEd, BN, RN, Nurse and Human Rights Defender for Women, Persons Against Non-State Torture, Nova Scotia, Canada
  2. Finn Mackay, Founder, London Feminist Network; Centre for Gender and Violence Research, University of Bristol, UK
  3. Jan Macleod, Senior Development Office, Women's Support Project, Glasgow, Scotland
  4. Dr. Ramesh Manocha, Convenor and Chairman, "The Right to Childhood," CEO Healthed and Generation Next, Australia
  5. Malka Marcovich, Mediterranean Network Against Trafficking in Women; International Coalition Zero Impunity
  6. Dr. Betty McLellan, Coalition for a Feminist Agenda, Townsville, Queensland, Australia
  7. Robin Morgan, Author, Activist, USA
  8. Kate Morrissey, Counselling and Supervision Services, Manchester; UK Feminist Network
  9. Sarah Morton, Co-Director, Knowledge Exchange, Centre for Research on Families and Relationships (CRFR), University of Edinburgh, Scotland
  10. Wendy Murphy, JD, Professor of Sexual Violence Law, New England Law, Boston, Mass., USA; Former Sex Crimes Prosecutor
  11. Pauline Myers, National Chairman, Townswomen's Guilds, Birmingham, England
  12. The National Organization for Women's Shelter and Young Women's Shelters, Sweden
  13. Rachel McPherson LLB (Hons) M.Res (Law), Institute for Society and Social Research, Glasgow, Caledonian University

71. Eleanor Mills, Associate Editor, The Sunday Times, England, UK

  1. Bel Mooney, Author, Columnist, UK
  2. Hiroshi Nakasatomi, Associate Professor, University of Tokushima, Japan
  3. The Hon. Alastair Nicholson, AO RFD QC, Former Chief Justice of the Family Court and Founding Patron, Children's Rights International, Australia
  4. Dr. Caroline Norma, RMIT University, Australia, School of Social, Urban and Global Studies
  5. Dr. Lesley Orr, Feminist Historian, Theologian; Acting Chair, Zero Tolerance Trust (Fighting Male Violence Against Women), Scotland
  6. Sue Palmer, Author of "Toxic Childhood," Edinburgh, Scotland
  7. Bridget Penhale, Reader in Mental Health, School of Nursing Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
  8. Dianne Post, International Human Rights Attorney, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
  9. Dr. Helen Pringle, School of Social Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

81. Norma Ramos, Esq. Executive Director, Coalition Against Trafficking in Women, Int'l.

  1. Rape Crisis Scotland
  2. Rape Crisis Glasgow, Scotland, Emma Ritch, Chair; Isabelle Kerr, Manager
  3. Eha Reitelmann, General Secretary, Estonian Women's Associations Roundtable
  4. Dr. John Sanbonmatsu, Associate Professor, Philosophy, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Mass., USA
  5. Amber Schalke, Feminist Party of Germany; Renate Schmidtsdorff-Aicher, Treasurer; Margot Müller, National Spokeswoman
  6. Dr. Marsha Scott, Convener Engender, Scotland
  7. Elaine Smith, Member, Scottish Parliament
  8. Rt. Hon. Jacqui Smith, British Home Secretary (2007-09), UK
  9. Gloria Steinem, Writer, Lecturer, Co-founder, Ms Magazine
  10. Ane Stoe, Ottar (Feminst Organization), Norway
  11. John Stoltenberg, MDiv, MFA, Author, Washington, DC, USA
  12. Jacci Stoyle, Amnesty Paisley (Campaign Against Human Trafficking), Scotland
  13. Swedish Medical Women's Association, Gothenburg, Sweden (Johanna Berg, National, Coordinator)
  14. Swedish Women's Lobby, Gertrud Åström, President, Stockholm, Sweden
  15. Melinda Tankard Reist, Editor, "Big Porn Inc.," Australia
  16. Emily Thomson, Lecturer, Co-Director of Women in Scotland's Economy Research Centre, Glasgow, Caledonian University
  17. Liane Timmermann, MillionWomenRise, Wales, UK
  18. Linda Thompson, National Development Officer, Women's Support Project, Scotland
  19. Teresa Ulloa Ziaurriz, Regional Director, Coalition Against Trafficking in Women and Girls in Latin America and the Caribbean; Winner, 2011 Gleitsman International Activist Award (Harvard)
  20. Megan Walker, Executive Director, London Abused Women's Centre, London, Ontario. Canada
  21. Vivien Walsh, Professor, Innovation Studies, University of Manchester, England, Author, "Whose Choice?"
  22. Lori Watson, Associate Professor, Philosophy, University San Diego, Calif., USA
  23. Karin Werkman, Researcher, The Netherlands
  24. Maria Weston, Nurse, National Health Service, Nottingham, England, UK
  25. Dr. Rebecca Whisnant, Associate Professor, Philosophy, University of Dayton, Ohio, USA
  26. Women Graduates' Association, Dr. Catherine Dahlstrom, Associate Professor, Stockholm, Sweden
  27. Women's Front of Norway, Agnete Strøm, International Coordinator
  28. WOCAD: Women's Organisations Committee on Alcohol and Drug Issues, Stockholm, Sweden

John Woods, Consultant Psychotherapist, The Portman Clinic, London, England